Established Entrepreneur Series – Joni Lim (Part 3)

“Do right, do your best. Treat customers as you want to be treated.”

Passion doesn’t always equate to feasibility, or even profitability. If you like something, it doesn’t always mean that it will work out in the business aspect. Balancing between interest and what the market requires is what all aspiring Entrepreneur should look into.

Fortunately for Joni, she found her passion for building homes that connect families together, not just houses. By putting herself in the shoes of her customers, Joni builds each home with care, as though she is staying in it.

Profit-making is important but your customers matter more.


About Prominent Land

Prominent Land is a land developer with the vision to make a prominent difference to the way people live, work and play, by creating extraordinary living spaces and inspiring landmarks. Prominent Land collaborates closely with a dedicated team of like-minded architects, interior designers and real estate marketers who has an eye for details.


Follow Joni’s Entrepreneurship journey: 

Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 |  Part 4